

Brings smooth transition between pages.


<div class="my-first-page" data-lg-page="my-first-page">
  My first page...
<div class="my-second-page" data-lg-page="my-second-page">
  My second page...

By default, the current page container will be instantly replaced by the new page container, without reloading the page and without transition.

When clicking on an internal link, the transition life cycle starts. The new page is loaded while the page out transition is played. When both are completed, the new page is created in DOM and initiated. And finally the page in transition is played.

luge updates some metas (title, description, keywords and og:image) during transition, as well as <body>class attribute. You can use the pageTransition event (see emitter) to do more changes (like updating the current page link in main navigation).

External links (starting with a different origin), anchor link (starting with a #), link with a target="_blank" or with a data-lg-transition="disabled" attributes are ignored.


You can add an animated loader during the page transition. To do so add a data-lg-loader element in your <body>:

<div data-lg-loader></div>

By default, the loader will simply get an is-visible class during transition.

You can use one of the built-in animations or create your own one.

Built-in animations

luge comes with a few loader animations:

  • fade
  • slide|slide-to-top|slide-to-right|slide-to-bottom|slide-to-left

(more coming…)

CSS animation

The loader DOM Element gets a .lg-loader and a.lg-loader--[loader name] CSS classes when initiated. It also gets a .is-visible CSS class during the transition.

You can use these to animate the loader in CSS:

<div data-lg-loader="my-loader"></div>
.lg-loader--my-loader {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 0.6s linear;

  &.is-visible {
    opacity: 1;

luge will wait for the transitionend event to move to next life cycle event.

JS animation

If you are looking for more complexe animations, you can define transitions in JS:

// Add a callback function
luge.transition.add('out', 'myFirstPage' (page, done) => {
  // When [data-lg-page="my-first-page"] goes out, ...)
luge.transition.add('in', 'mySecondPage' (page, done) => {
  // When [data-lg-page="my-second-page"] comes in, ...)

// Or attach the function to the element onpageout and onpagein properties 
document.querySelector('.my-first-page').onpageout = () {, ...) } 
document.querySelector('.my-second-page').onpagein = () {, ...) }

You can define a transition per page or set a default one:

luge.transition.add('in', 'default', (page, done) => {, ...)


The transition callback function gets passed two parameters:

  • page: the current page DOM element. It contains the old page during the page out transition, and the new one during the page in transition.
  • done(): proceed to the next life cycle event. During the page out transition, call it when you want the new page to be added to the DOM. During the page in transition, call it to launch reveal hooked animations.

Lottie animation

You can use a lottie animation as a transition:


The lottie out animation will be played during the page out transition, to hide the current page.

You can also use a different lottie in animation:


The lottie in animation will be played after the new page has been added to the DOM.

If you want to use the same animation for page out and page in transition, you can make it play in reverse:


Full reload

If you want to use a transition but still want to fully reload the page (for instance on e-commerce sites or if new scripts have to be loaded) you can add the data-lg-reload attribute to your page containers, it will play the transition out animation, navigate to the new page and then play the preloader animation if you have one.

In this case, make sure to match the site preloader with the transition out animation in order to keep a consistent animation between pages.


Attribute Type Default Description
data-lg-loader String null The loader animation name. Set it to one of the built-in animations name or create your own one.
data-lg-loader-out String null Path to the lottie out animation json file.
data-lg-loader-in String null Path to the lottie in animation json file or reverseto use the out animation in reverse.